In 1994, when the animated movie The Lion King was released, many at Disney Studios were not
counting on it being much of a hit. For one thing, it was their first feature
length animated film based on an original story (although it very loosely draws
on Hamlet), and nobody was sure if this lack of public familiarity would be
readily accepted. So, according to
Mental Floss the movie was actually made by the “B-Team” animators since the “A-Team”
elected to work on a film with more potential:
Pocahontas (1995).

(Well, maybe I have confused this last bit with another
movie but after all, James Earl Jones, the voice of Simba’s father Mufasa was
also the voice of Darth Vader, and both Mufasa and Vader did appear to their
sons after they had died.)
This tendency to miss potential is not a new thing. You find it all through the Bible. Few people realized the shepherd boy David
had the potential to become king of Israel.
Who knew that Jesus, crucified would be Christ risen? As the New Testament describes this turn of
events, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the
corner." Most people wouldn’t have
guessed that Peter, an ordinary fisherman, and Paul, a persecutor of
Christians, would both become leaders in the faith as it swept the world. There is potential all over the place that
only God can see.
The Lion King took
off, netting Disney a billion dollars in merchandising its first year alone,
and it has shaped the lives of the many children who grew up watching it with
the tune to “Hakuna Matata” stuck in their heads. Nobody realized the potential of such a movie
about potential.
The movie had so much potential it grew into a hit Broadway
musical, which eventually was adapted for young people. And now here in Terre
Haute a group of talented young actors are
playing the roles and singing the songs.
They have worked hard on this production, and I think you’ll agree that
it shows. And if you look closely at
them as they’re on the stage you’ll see something that some folk are good at
missing. You’ll see potential all over
the place. They have amazing potential,
and knowing them gives me a sense of confidence and pride. I hope you feel the same way.
So in a show about potential, a show in which everyone
missed it’s potential, there is a stage full of potential. And maybe there is also an audience full of
potential, all taking place through a congregation full of potential.
The potential is there.
It’s filling the streets of Terre
Haute. It’s
even in you. May God breathe it into
life, and may we never stop striving to reach it.
In God’s Peace;